Frankly, I don't see how the revised version is any less dangerous than the original version that included the word "reckless." All one needs is for someone to accuse a woman of intent, and you have the same result. Case in point: the woman in Iowa who was charged simply because of remarks she made (presumably in confidence) about how she wasn't sure if she really wanted the baby, wasn't sure how she was going to manage, etc.--perfectly normal remarks in the context of pregnancy that turned into ammo against her.
Frankly, I don't see how the revised version is any less dangerous than the original version that included the word "reckless." All one needs is for someone to accuse a woman of intent, and you have the same result. Case in point: the woman in Iowa who was charged simply because of remarks she made (presumably in confidence) about how she wasn't sure if she really wanted the baby, wasn't sure how she was going to manage, etc.--perfectly normal remarks in the context of pregnancy that turned into ammo against her.